Do you ever sit and wonder if your hard work is noticed or appreciated? Do your good deeds go unrecognized? Does your boss really think your a valuable asset? I know the answer to this question for me and the same applies for others as well.....hard work is never really rewarded.
You would think in NYC of all places that it wouldn't be the case, surely here it would be equal opportunity! Wrong again! I work for a small company and I am the only woman there, however let a man take my idea and re-word it and all the sudden its a genius idea. I am sorry but I really despise people who kiss ass and steal ideas or take credit for work that was not even theirs. The scary thing, it happens far too often and even in places that you would never suspect it.
This doesn't just happen in small companies, this happens in major corporations, government offices, schools and yes even to the men and women who protect us every day, who risk their lives and they go unrewarded because they refuse to join the ass kissers of the world or dare I say; because the color of their skin. I see it all too often and it really makes me angry!
You do what you have to do day to day, the job you are paid to do and no one says anything, but God help you if you miss one detail. So what can we do about it, do we just sit by and watch the people who don't deserve our stolen glory? Sad to say but yes. Why? Because we are better than those who have to lie, cheat and steal their way up the ladder. We are better than those who just do the work we are paid to do and get hailed the hero of the day, but when we swoop in and solve the big mystery or find the missing piece of the puzzle the higher ups tuck their tales and go hide behind closed doors.
So what do we do? We do our jobs, we go on with our heads held high and we do what we do best! We continue to kick ass and take names later. We do such a good job that the people who steal our glory know that we are on to them, trust me it will start eating them up inside. What is that called again? Oh yeah, KARMA.
I know I do the best I can do, and I will continue to do so. To all others out there, your doing an awesome job and I appreciate that more than you know, why because we don't have our lips planted permanently on our employers behind! Besides, when we move on to bigger and better things, and that day will come, those who lied and stole to get where they are will be standing there exposed for what they are. They will one day be seen for a fraud because we have moved and are no longer there to be taken for granted!
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